Some of the products sold on the website are digital goods and cannot be “returned” so this refund policy is designed with this in mind. In addition, some local laws are not excluded if they apply to you.
We offer a full refund within 14 days of purchase if the Product is not functioning correctly, and we’re unable to resolve the issues. Before a refund will be granted, you must first submit a request explaining what issues you are having with our Product and allow reasonable time for us to help fix the issues. We can request access to your Website or files on your server to fix the issues and you must provide this information. Issues caused by 3rd party services, websites, plugins, themes or other software will not provide grounds for a refund.
There is no obligation to provide a refund in situations like the following:
- You simply decide not to use the purchased Product anymore;
- The Product did not meet your expectations;
- You do not have sufficient expertise to use the Product;
- You do not have access to 3rd party services necessary for the Product (like API access, affiliate program approvals, etc);
- Target sites or services are not suitable for the Product.
We expect you to know what you are purchasing and why. Absolutely no refunds will be given after 14 days from the initial purchase. Product updates or license renewals are not applicable for refunds.